The leader of the pack

Second best is no longer enough when it comes to pet care.

The health and well-being of a pet matter more than ever to its owner. At Crew we’re constantly tossing out old assumptions about "good enough" to bring the most thoughtfully cultivated messaging to your audience. We're here to help you build strong consumer relationships and inspire loyalty, setting you as the leader of the pack.

Brand Strategy

Before jumping into branding, we make sure your strategy is backed by industry insights, making your brand foundations that much stronger.

Branding & Packaging

Understanding your target audience’s concerns through market research, we work within your brand story to put as much care into your pet food packaging as you’ve put into the production of it.


Whether it’s digital, video, print or out-of-home pet food advertising we’ll craft messaging that speaks to the concerns of pet owners.   

Sales Materials

Crew makes sure sales decks, business cards, and POS materials are all an open and honest reflection of your business by keeping them a consistently compelling resource.

Market Expansion

We’ll help refine your pet food product through consumer testing and market research to ensure your brand extensions meet the needs of your consumers.


We bring catered creative, strategies and branding specific to the direct-to-consumer landscape so you can better reach your audience with tools like Shopify or Klaviyo.

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