Shelf Success: Packaging Principles to Win at Retail

Next Date:
Aug, 16th, 2024 (Friday)

10am-11am (PST) / 1pm-2pm (EST)

The Webinar:

The retail space is crowded with brands fighting for shelf space and attention. The effects of ignorable or confusing packaging can be dire in today's economic climate.

So how can a brand’s packaging help?

In this webinar, you will learn about the power of packaging, and how it can impact your chances for business success if you apply thoughtful creativity, strong principles, and strategic industry insights.

We'll share relevant case studies that show how packaging can capture attention, and ultimately improve shelf velocity.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Gain insights into how your identity impacts market success.
  2. The strategic advantage of precisely defining your target audience.
  3. Finding and clearly communicating your advantages to engage consumers.
  4. Exploring Crew's packaging strategies and guiding principles.

Presented by:

Dan Ryu - Creative Director, and creative leader at Crew. Dan is a keen strategist and an instructor at the University of the Fraser Valley. His award-winning work is recognized internationally and his food/bev experience includes SunRype, Hardbite, Fatso, Unusually Good, and Twigz.