The Best Books for CPG Marketers, Part 2: How To Persuade Consumers and Stay On Their Minds

Part II - Within a sea of books for CPG marketers, we’ve fished out the best to help you better understand consumers.

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In the second and final part of our series on CPG marketing books, we curated a list of 11 top books for consumer brands at every stage. Separated into three topics, these books cover how to differentiate your brand in consumer’s minds, create lasting connections through effective marketing messages, and revolutionize the way you think about your business.

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Three Books to Help You Hack Consumer Psychology

Win more customers by understanding why they buy what they buy.

1. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion - by Robert B. Cialdini

Cialdini explains the psychology behind persuasion, helping you understand why people say “yes” to buying products. He then explains how to apply principles like reciprocity, scarcity, and social proof to marketing efforts for more sales.

2. Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products - by Nir Eyal

Eyal summarizes a four-step process used by brands to successfully “hook” their customers. Based on the author’s years of research and practical experience, the book explains how to subtly encourage consumer behavior without in-your-face advertising.

3. Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind - by Al Ries and Jack Trout

Ries and Trout explore how to become a part of the collective consumer subconscious in this classic marketing book. They give practical advice from their advertising agency experience on how companies can differentiate themselves in the minds of consumers.


Four Books to Help You Be More Memorable

Truly connecting with customers requires messaging that "sticks." Learn different strategies for writing better marketing copy.

1. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die - by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

The Heath brothers explore what makes ideas memorable and share strategies for crafting messages that stick with consumers. They detail methods for making marketing concepts “stickier,” like violating schemas, creating “curiosity gaps,” and more.

2. Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable – by Seth Godin

Godin explains that the old way of pushing average products with heavy marketing isn't effective anymore. Instead, businesses should focus on creating unique, attention-grabbing offerings that people will naturally talk about.

3. Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen - by Donald Miller

Miller outlines a framework for integrating storytelling principles into your marketing messages. This will help you create a brand story that centers around the customer as the protagonist for deeper connectivity.

Four Books to Shift Your Business Perspective

As consumers’ wants shift, so should your marketing strategies. Gain new insight on how to make smarter business decisions, access new markets, and reach consumers in innovative ways.

1. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

Kahneman, a world-renowned psychologist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, explains two different systems of thinking. The first is fast and emotionally-based, while the second is slow and logically-based. He helps readers overcome mental “glitches” to think slower and make better business decisions.

2. Good To Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…And Others Don't Hardcover – by Jim Collins

Collins and his team identify key factors and behaviors that enable companies to outperform their competitors consistently. The book highlights disciplined people, thought, and action as essential elements for achieving long-term success.

4. Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne

Instead of focusing on the “red ocean” of battling your competition for an existing pool of customers, this book teaches you how to tap into the “blue oceans” of new market spaces.

4. Great by Choice: Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck--Why Some Thrive Despite Them All Hardcover – by Jim Collins, and Morten T. Hansen

Jim Collins and Morten T. Hansen look at why some companies succeed despite chaos and uncertainty. The authors find that thriving businesses share traits. It's about how smart strategies and behaviors help them navigate unpredictable times.

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