How Good Brands Build Trust [Updated 2024]

The value of a brand is ultimately determined when a company is sold. The intangibility of a brand’s value shows up on the balance sheet as goodwill and it is determined by how well the current market knows and understands the brand.

Most importantly, however, value is derived by the degree of upside the brand has to offer moving forward as it aims to maintain, or better yet, grow its loyal customer base.

  • Branding
by Braden Douglas
September 14, 2020

Building Brand Value Through Consumer Loyalty and Trust

Brand value is built on consumer loyalty, and loyalty is a measure of trust. The true value of a brand is created when a company builds trust.

Most Trusted American Brands

According to data from Morning Consult, the following 10 brands were the most trusted by Americans:

1. Band-Aid
2. UPS
3. Amazon
4. Lysol
5. Kleenex
6. Cheerios
7. Visa
8. Dove
9. The Weather Channel
10. FedEx

Most Trusted Canadian Brands

According to a recent study by the Gustavson School of Business, last year in 2023, the following 11 brands were the most trusted by Canadians:

1. Mountain Equipment Company
2. Costco
3. Columbia Sport
4. Canadian Automobile Association (CAA/BCAA/AMA)
5. Toyota
6. Dyson
7. Lego
8. Band-Aid
9. Dove
10. Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts
11. IKEA

    These results beg the question...

    How does a brand build trust?

    Develop a clear position and value proposition.

    Every trusted brand is connected to a good business. This means there is a definitive market position and there is value being added to a specific customer. The products and services listed above are also consumed on a daily or weekly basis meaning they are entrenched in the habits, and decision-making processes, of large segments of the population

    Automobiles, for example, are well known but not purchased on a regular basis, which means they can still be a trusted brand but probably won’t penetrate a top ten list any time soon. The key is to consistently engage and bring value to your audience on a regular basis in order for them to include you in their regular life.

    Build familiarity over time.

    A trusted brand needs to be well known. Psychologically, the more familiar something is the more people associate it with positive feelings. Notice that every brand on that list is over 30 years old and are national players that spend heavily on advertising activities.

    I always recommend that emerging brands start small. Saturate regional geographies first, or small niche segments, before expanding in order to maximize limited advertising dollars and build a loyal following that will aid word-of-mouth activity as they expand.

    Connect on core values and culture.

    It’s not enough to have a good product – everyone has that. Good brands choose specific values, lifestyles or culture cues to create points of authentic connection with those they aim to serve.

    Tim Horton’s, with its Canadian roots, has naturally chosen to go deep with hockey—as evident through their NHL celebrity endorsements, Timbits hockey programs, and every commercial showing someone in a local arena. Similarly, Scotiabank made a smart move by associating themselves with movies thus connecting the positive feelings of being entertained with their products and services.

    Choosing core values such as ‘courage’ or ‘team players’ can help small, local brands choose attractive activities to associate their brand with. For example, a local insurance company can build their brand on ‘teamwork’ and infuse that value into advertising and community activities such as youth hockey and even take large clients to professional hockey games to see ‘teamwork’ in action.


    Building brand trust is a long-term game but the payoff is huge if your goal is to be in a specific market for a long period of time or you want a lucrative exit strategy.

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