Consumer Connection Can Help You Beat Private Label

Private label brands are getting pretty good. So, mainstream brands need to step up their game, dive deeper into their category, and really work to attract and keep their customers. Forging strong consumer connections can help.

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by Crew
July 9, 2024

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Why do private label brands struggle to create emotional connection?

While there are some caveats to this rule, generally speaking, private label brands often struggle to emotionally connect with consumers in the same way mainstream brands can.

There’s several reasons why:

1. Brand Identity: Private label brands typically have less distinctive and developed brand identities compared to mainstream brands, making it harder for consumers to form a deeper personal attachment. We know consumers tend to shop private label based on price alone.

2. Brand Loyalty: Mainstream brands often have a long history and heritage with which they can draw upon. They can create a sense of nostalgia, and can bring a higher level of trust to the table.

3. Perceived Quality: Consumers may perceive private label brands as lower in quality compared to mainstream brands. This perception can prevent consumers from forming a positive emotional bond. Let’s face it, there is often a mystery surrounding private label, with consumers wondering “where is this stuff even made?”

4. Innovation: Mainstream brands can innovate much more frequently. Private label brands often focus more on cost-efficiency than on novel product creations and new flavours. This can limit interest and emotional appeal.

5. Limited Social Presence: Almost all mainstream brands invest in building a strong social media presence and engaging with consumers online. Private label brands tend not have the same level of social engagement (However, this is changing)

6.  Packaging and Design: The packaging and design of mainstream brands are often more visually appealing and emotionally engaging. Private label brands often use simpler, less attractive designs that don’t evoke the same emotional response.

Many of your advantages to create consumer connection exist within the above. Now let's get tactical...

What tactics can brands take to beat private label?

Here are a few tactical ways brands can create consumer connection and beat private:

1. Brand Storytelling: Craft compelling brand stories that resonate with consumers on an emotional level.

Share your founder’s history, their mission, or values to build a deeper connection. Invest in videos that connect consumers with your purpose or origin and then use them across different media channels.

2. Innovate Regularly: Stay on top of trends, and continuously introduce new and innovative products to keep your offerings fresh and exciting. This can help maintain consumer interest.

3. Invest in Marketing: Utilize creative and impactful marketing campaigns to raise brand awareness and highlight the unique benefits of your products. Leverage social media, influencer partnerships, and targeted advertising. Create specific design visuals and/or music that help identify you easily.

4. Offer Exceptional Customer Service: Providing top-notch customer service is a VERY strong way to enhance consumer connection. Addressing customer concerns and feedback promptly earns repeat business.

5. Differentiate Through Design: Invest in attractive and unique packaging designs that stand out on the shelves and appeal to consumers. Or, consider introducing distinctive assets like mascots that are easily recognizable.

RXBar is a great example of this:

6. Show Up for Special Occasions: Participating in specific occasions like Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day, and Earth Day in meaningful ways that connect with consumers on a deeper level.

7. Event Sponsorship and Sampling: Sponsor events and provide samples where your category buyers are present.

8. Engage on Social Media: Create value in social media channels by addressing specific category problems while also building your brand through educational and entertaining content. Creating contests and promotions can inspire multi-purchases and add value.

9. Celebrity and Influencer Partnerships: Associate your brand with celebrities, cultural influencers, and sports teams to leverage their popularity and reach a broader audience.

By adopting these tactics, mainstream brands can effectively create stronger connections, and can better compete with private label.


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